Online Submission Form

Category Entered* -

   *Age below 45 (i.e. Born on or after 31 Aug 1978)

1. Personal Particulars of Nominee



Chinese Name*

English Name*

Date of Birth*

Place of Birth*


Contact Tel./ Mobile Phone No.*

Wechat Account

Assistant's Title*


Assistant's Chinese Name*

Assistant's English Name*

Assistant's Email*

Assistant's Contact No.*

I agree to email a copy of online submission form to my assistant.*

Yes / No

To save the online submission form, I agree to email a copy of login password generated by the Organizer to my assistant.*

Yes / No
2. Company Information

Name of Present Company Name*

Address of Present Company Name*

Present Position*

Number of years in present position (must be no less than 3 years or above)*

Is the nominee a founder of current company?*


Is it a family business?*

* Family business means multigenerations inheritance and where the family members hold more than 20% equity

What year was the company established?*


Company website*

Is the company publicly listed?*


Stock code (for listed company only)

Affiliated Community Service Organizations And Community

Name of Organization*

Position Held*

Participation Year*

Community Service Involvement*

Achievement and Contributions*

3. Narratives

Provide narrative content below covering five topics. Then judging panel will evaluate the nominee according to submitted material relevant to personal and/or enterprise of the nominee.

A. Enterprise Management and Development (by bullet points)*

• History of the company , business strategies and evolution
• Major development projects and sustainability
• Nominee's vision or planning for the future growth of the business

B. Industry Influence and Achievement (by bullet points)*

• Positive contribution to the further development of the industry
• Achievement in innovating new product/service, or developing new markets

C. Contribution for the Greater Bay Area Development (by bullet points)*

• Demonstrate how to align with GBA development to create a mutual benefit business model (including aspects of Economic Development, Youth and Talent Training, Innovative Technology, and Social Connection)

D. Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) (by bullet points)*

• Contribution for the society
• Engagement and participation to environmental protection, social sustainable development, social welfare and charity activity

E. Personal Reputation and Recognition (provide supporting information)*

• Details of awards and/or honors received by the nominee
• Past media coverages related to the nominee

4. Terms and conditions*

I agree that the Organizers may obtain publicly available information through any means (including but not limited to information available on social media, and / or the internet) as to confirm or addition to this nomination; and agree the Organizers submit the collected information together with the nomination form and supporting documents to the Panel of Judges for evaluation purpose.

If I am the winner of this Women Entrepreneur Award, I agree to further provide more detailed information as requested by the Organizers and hereby authorize the Organizers to use, edit, publicize, copy and reproduce my name and other relevant information of mine, including but not limited to picture, portrait, photograph, film, videotape, or recordings of my voice for marketing and promotional purposes, such as production of printing materials, media publications or broadcast.

If I am the winner of this Women Entrepreneur Award, I *   will /  will not * accept the award and attend the Award Presentation Ceremony to be held on November 2024 with contribution of HK$52,000 for the project-related production cost, and participating in Organizers’ relevant promotion activities;

The contribution amount is consisted of 4 complimentary seats at the Award Presentation Ceremony (including the winner and the nominator), trophy, awardee’s interview on radio programme, an article coverage of awardee and 1 page congratulatory ad in Award Presentation booklet, exposure on newspaper, digital platforms and social media joint promotion arranged by the Organizers, right to use the official logo by awardees. (Details will be provided by the Organizers after the result is announced)

Please confirm that all information is correct. No changes will be made once the online submission form is submitted.

If I am the winner of this Women Entrepreneur Award, I agree to be automatically registered as the member of HK Small and Medium Enterprises Association.

I agree to receive information related to marketing activities provided by HK Small and Medium Enterprises Association and/or Metro Broadcast Corporation Ltd.


 I hereby certify that all the facts in this submission form and supporting documents are true and accurate. I declare that I agree to the selection rules of “GBA Outstanding Women Entrepreneur Awards 2024”, and accept the decision of the Panel of Judges as the final decision.

5. Recommended Supporting Organization (if any)

Support Units


6. Personal Particulars of Nominator



Chinese Name*

English Name*


Office Tel./ Mobile Phone No.*


Step 1 – Download the nomination form
Step 2 – Pass the form to your nominator for filling-in and signing confirmation
Step 3 – Upload the signed nomination form while submitting online application

Upload nominator file*

Format: jpg, png, gif, tif, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pdf | Size: 20MB
Upload Other Supporting Files